My Story

Following my passion to reduce the distance between knowledge and action

Rosa Molló
I work with diverse people all around the world who are driven, committed, courageous and open to going deep and achieve their objectives. 
Courage to change

For 25 years, broadcast journalism, my great passion, gave me the opportunity to live in various countries and continents. Working as a foreign correspondent, locals were always my first source of information and my greatest inspiration.  Over the years, my experiences around the world made me into an enthusiast for the geography of communication. My curiosity and desire to learn about why people understand each other and react in different ways in response to the same fact or message only grew with time.

Communicating a message is an art that goes far beyond the visible and the apparent. When it’s accomplished, the ripples are felt in all areas of our lives. Maybe because of this, in 2012, after covering the cascade of revolutions in the Middle East for TVE (Spanish National Broadcasting Corporation), I had to stop and think. I was at the peak of my career, I’d given journalism my all, and been handsomely rewarded. But I felt empty. I decided that it was finally time to share the passion and knowledge I’d acquired on this journey with others, but in a new way.

Almost without realizing it, one passion led me to another. In journalism, you’re almost always talking about conflicts and falling-outs and I was more interested in being a part of how people come together. So, I made a conscious decision to become an active part of the change I wanted to see in the world.

That’s why today I’m dedicated to enabling professional and team development, improving performance and capabilities and creating more inclusive environments. My work combines neurocoaching, emotional intelligence, cultural competence, organizational development, and critical thinking. And so, I continue to grow, learning and sharing my efforts to make my positive vision for the world real for future generations. Courage to Change is the culmination of my story, and the story of so many others that have crossed my path and left lasting marks on who I am today.

Rosa Molló
You combine passion, intelligence, curiosity and leadership. You find the value and a sense of the sublime in everything, in your personal and professional identity, your brand, your message, your story and your dreams. Connecting with the people that surround you is important to you. You cultivate your relationships and carefully select individuals and organizations to collaborate and create synergies with to make a positive social impact. For you, the collective strength and unity of many is much more important than the ego of a select few. And, precisely because of all of the above, you want to continue developing your potential and your capacity for leadership.

Questions and Answers

How I see it

Because everything depends on our attitude towards ourselves and others. While directing multicultural and cross-functional teams, and perhaps most importantly, living in cultural environments different from my own, I found out just how important it was to develop a coaching relationship with others. I discovered I could make a bigger impact, just by inspiring and motivating others. When we facilitate understanding and dialogue, we learn to listen, help bring out the leader that everyone carries inside of them in others, give in to being our best and truest selves, collaborate, and live better.

When we stop to observe our environment, we see that most of the time we don’t even know why we do the things we do or where we want to focus our attention. It doesn’t matter where you are now, or where you want to go. You may even feel lost. A coach will help you overcome your self-imposed limits.

Because in today’s global world, everything is connected. Because beyond our IQ there’s also emotional intelligence to consider and because learning to listen is fundamental to communicating.

As a certified professional coach, change facilitator, intercultural management consultant, and communicator, I help my clients “think about thinking”. With this simple premeditated act, they can make better decisions, negotiate conflict more effectively, and face situations of change fearlessly. This approach allows us to happily adapt to new circumstances with less stress and greater commitments.

My clients are individuals motivated to reach their professional and personal goals. They’re committed to their work and social environment. My challenge is to create a safe atmosphere where my clients can explore how their brains and hearts behave when faced with decision-making and other diverse situations. When we improve our capacity to listen and reflect, the outcomes are always bigger and better. With me you’ll learn to identify priorities and clarify your vision for the future, fundamental keys to achieve your career and leadership aspirations.

Today everything we do becomes a cultural interaction. Helping my clients be more conscious of their surroundings is one of the fundamental purposes of my work. I know firsthand how crucial it is for projects and messages to transcend intercultural obstacles to create genuine, satisfying and lasting relationships. For this to happen, it’s essential to understand how individuals and groups from different cultures think and work. When we connect more authentically with others, we’re able to understand, and with understanding comes respect. When we reach a solid level of understanding and dialogue in our intercultural relationships, we can reach our maximum potential and change the course of our lives for the better.

I founded Courage to Change because of the many times I’ve experienced that contradictory emotion that comes with a big change, particularly a radical or unexpected one and my passion for helping others over this particular hurdle. Unlike some coaches, I have real-life experience gained from time spent in leadership positions where I made my own way and got tangible and lasting results with cross-cultural teams. Finally, I want to emphasize the fact that my methods aren’t just interdisciplinary or scientific theory, for me, they’re passions that I hold dear. Passions based on collaboration, innovation and social responsibility. I combine all of the previously mentioned qualities with an acute sense of global community and use everything I’ve got to help you translate your vision into sustainable results.

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The path towards positive change always begins with an honest conversation...